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Responsible For:



Mary powell:


Modeling: The modeling of the Mary Powell was done by two people, me and another artist, i started from the top and they started from the bottom and we both on the middle deck and the split the front and back of the deck. and then met in the middle. Once the model. 

Texturing of the Mary Powell
Shading of the Mary Powell, water & steam/ smoke
A small water simulation at the front of the water bank
lighting and rendering
and overall management of the scene.


Morgans House X2:

Tweaking some of the background assets modelling texturing and shading.
tweaking some of the layout so the composition worked well.
setting up the rendering for the shot, AOV's light groups, render layers, render overides and render samples.


Harbor shot X4:

Tweaking some of the background assets modes textures and shading.
tweaking some of the layout so the composition worked well.
tweaking AOV's light groups, render layers, render overrides and finding the right render samples.


Train shot:

procedural textures for:

The pebbles under the track & the wooden railroad sleepers



Programs used:
Maya - Modeling, texturing, water simulation.
substance designer - Texturing.
Mari - Texturing.
Arnold - Look dev, Lighting, Rendering.

Nuke:  Testing various things.





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